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Chemical Name: Paclobutrazol(Paclo),PP333
CAS NO.: 76738-62-0
Formulation:Paclobutrazol 95%TC, 35%SC, 25%SC, 15%WP, 30% WP
Molecular Formula: C15H20ClNO3
Molecular weight: 293.8
Melting point: 165-166°C
Appearance: white crystal, can dissolve in polarity organic solvent easily
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Product Detail
The pure product is white crystal, the original drug is a white-like powder, the melting point is 165-166℃, and it is hardly soluble in water (the solubility is 35mg / L at room temperature), Soluble in organic solvents such as methanol, acetone, cyclohexanone, hexane, xylene, and dimethane. Storage at 50℃, stable for at least 6 months, storage at normal temperature (20℃), stability over 2 years.
Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator that has the effects of delaying plant growth, inhibiting stem elongation, shortening internodes, promoting plant tillering, increasing plant stress resistance, and increasing yield. The main dosage forms of paclobutrazol are wettable powder, suspension, and original powder. This product is suitable for rice, wheat, peanuts, fruit trees, tobacco, rapeseed, soybeans, flowers, lawns and other crops (plants), and the effect is remarkable.

1. Paclobutrazol can change the level of endogenous hormones, inhibit gibberellin synthesis, delay growth, shorten internodes, and dwarf plants.
2. Paclobutrazol can improve the ability of plants to resist adversity and pathogens. By alleviating water loss, the stress on plant cells is reduced, normal growth and development can be carried out, and the plant's own drought resistance is enhanced.
3. Paclobutrazol can inhibit apical dominance and promote the germination and growth of lateral buds. For example, the application of Paclobutrazol can make rice seedlings tiller early and tiller more, the plants become shorter, and the base of the stems become thicker.
4. Paclobutrazol has a bactericidal effect and has inhibitory activity on more than 10 pathogens such as rapeseed sclerotinia, wheat powdery mildew, rice sheath blight and apple anthracnose. It has a broad spectrum of antibacterial properties and can also control weed damage, dwarf weeds, slow growth, and reduce harm.
5. The application of Paclobutrazol on fruit trees can control the growth of branches and shoots, dwarf fruit trees, promote flower bud differentiation, increase the number of flowers, regulate the fruit setting rate, change the harvest period, improve the quality of fruits, reduce the amount of pruning in summer, and improve the drought and cold resistance of fruit trees.

How to use
Rice: At the stage of 1 leaf and 1 heart of seedlings, use 300g/667m2 of 10% wettable powder, add 50L of water and spray. At the stage of rice ear differentiation, use 180g/667m2 of 10% wettable powder, add 50-60L of water and spray.
Fruit trees: apple, pear, peach, cherry trees, etc., can be used for soil application, trunk application and foliar spray. Soil application: 10-15g of 10% wettable powder per cubic meter of crown Trunk application: 150-300 times of 15% wettable powder applied to the trunk. Foliar spray: 75-150 times of 15% wettable powder
Spray 500 times of 10% wettable powder on the whole plant of soybean, rapeseed seedlings, cotton, flowers, wheat during the initial flowering period of soybean.
The use of paclobutrazol should be determined according to the type and growth stage of the plant. Do not exceed the recommended dosage and method of use. Excessive or improper use may have adverse effects on plants.

-Paclobutrazol remains in the soil for a long time. After the application of the pesticide, the field must be ploughed to prevent the inhibition of subsequent crops.
-Under normal circumstances, the use of paclobutrazol is not easy to cause pesticide damage. If the dosage is too high and the seedlings are overly inhibited, nitrogen or gibberellin can be added to save them.
-Different varieties of rice have different growth potentials due to their different levels of endogenous gibberellins and indoleacetic acid. Varieties with stronger growth potential need more pesticides, while varieties with weaker growth potential need less.
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Cultivate strong seedlings 50~100mg / L medicinal solution for seed soaking treatment or spray with 5~20mg / L medicinal solution at seedling stage.
Inhibit vegetative growth 150~300mg / L spray solution
Fruit tree control tip 0.3 ~ 4g / plant for soil application (adjust the dosage according to tree species and age); foliar application of 300~100mg / L.
Adjust the plant type of flowers and trees 50~300mg / L irrigation treatment or 300~1000mg / L spray treatment or 1%~5% dry application.

Main Packing: 1kg aluminum foil bag, 25kg drum, 25kg plastic woven bag or kraft paper bag, 5kg carton, 20L white plastic drum, 200L blue plastic drum
Aluminum foil bag
Plastic woven bag
Plastic bucket
Blue plastic drum
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