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Gibberellins Gibberellic Acid GA3
Gibberellins Gibberellic Acid GA3
Gibberellins Gibberellic Acid GA3
Gibberellins Gibberellic Acid GA3

Gibberellins Gibberellic Acid GA3

Chemical Name: Gibberellic Acid,Gibberellin A3; Gibberellins;ACIDO GIBERELICO,GA3
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Appearance: White powder crystal
Empirical Formula: C19H22O6
Molecular Weight: 346.38
Melting point: 223-225°C
CAS NO.: 77-06-5
Formulation:90%TC,10% Tablet,20% Tablet etc.
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Product Detail
Gibberellic Acid GA3 is a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator that can promote the growth and development of crops, make them mature earlier, increase yield and improve quality; it can quickly break the dormancy of organs such as seeds, tubers and bulbs, and promote germination; it can reduce the shedding of buds, flowers, bolls and fruits, increase the fruit-bearing rate or form seedless fruits.
The pure product is white crystals, and the industrial product is white powder. It is soluble in organic solvents such as alcohols, ketones, and esters, but hardly soluble in ether, chloroform, benzene, and water.

It forms salts with potassium and sodium ions and dissolves in water. Gibberellic acid solids are relatively stable. It will not become ineffective if stored for a long time under dry and airtight conditions, but its aqueous solution is unstable. I
1. Promote growth, early maturity, and increase production
2. Break dormancy and promote germination
3. Promote fruit growth
4. Extend storage period
5. Change the ratio of male and female flowers and increase seed yield
6. Promote stemming and flowering, and increase the breeding coefficient of improved varieties
7. Eliminate the damage caused by other hormones

How to use
Use alone: Spraying concentration 5 ~ 50mg/L; Spraying or fruit dipping treatment 50 ~ 200mg / L.
Mixed use: Mixed with auxin and cytokinin, which can promote fruit setting, fruit expansion, increase yield, and improve quality.
Gibberellic acid can be sprayed, applied to seeds, and dipped in roots.
Gibberellic acid can work better when used in conjunction with other regulators and nutrients.

-Endogenous hormones commonly found in plants are broad-spectrum plant growth regulators. The most prominent effect of gibberellins is to accelerate cell elongation (gibberellins can increase the content of auxin in plants, and auxin directly regulates cell elongation). It also promotes cell division and can promote cell expansion (but does not cause acidification of cell walls).
-Low water solubility, should be dissolved with a small amount of alcohol or white wine first, then diluted with water
-The number of sterile seeds of crops treated with gibberellic acid increases, so it is not suitable to apply pesticides in seed fields
-The best time to spray is before 10:00 am and after 3:00 pm. If it rains within 4 hours after spraying, spray again
-The number of sterile seeds of crops treated with gibberellic acid increases, so it is not advisable to apply pesticides in seed fields
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Scope of application and how to use:
Improve fruit setting; produce bigger fruits Cotton 20mg/L, foliar spray  
Cucumber 50-100mg/L, spray on flowers  
Cherries 10-20mg/L, spray about 20 days before harvest
Tomato 10-50mg/L, spray on flowers
Eggplant 10-50mg/L, spray on flowers
Grape 20-50mg/L, spray on fruit cluster
Citrus 20-40mg/L, spray on flowers
Pine apple 40-80mg/L, spray on flowers

Improve vegetative growth
Rice 30-40mg/L, foliar spray at stem elongation stage  
Celery 50-100mg/L, spray whole plant at 15d before harvest 2 times with 3-5d interval
Grape seedlings 50-100ml/L leaf spray 1-2 times, the interval is 10 days
Lettuce 20mg/L, foliar spray at 14-leaf stage 2 times with 3-5d interval
Larch Spray 10-50mg/L 2-5 times at seedling stage with an interval of 10 days  
Improve seed germination; break dormancy Potato 0.5-1mg/L, tuber treatment for 30min  
Strawberry 5-10mg/L, when the bud appears more than 30%, spray heart leaves, 5mg per plant, can break the dormancy of the plant
Barley 1mg/L, seed treatment
Sweet potato 10-15ml/L Soak the roots for 10min to break dormancy
Prolong fruit storage; delay fruit senescence Cucumber/water melon 10-50mg/L, spray on fruits before harvest  
Orange 5-20mg/L, spray on fruits before fruit coloring
Banana 10mg/L, fruit treatment after harvest
Citrus 5-15 Spray fruit at the green fruit stage to preserve green and prolong storage.


Main Packing: 1kg aluminum foil bag, 25kg drum, 25kg plastic woven bag or kraft paper bag, 5kg carton, 20L white plastic drum, 200L blue plastic drum
Aluminum foil bag
Plastic woven bag
Plastic bucket
Blue plastic drum
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