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Forchlorfenuron (CPPU; KT-30; 4-CPPU)
Forchlorfenuron (CPPU; KT-30; 4-CPPU)
Forchlorfenuron (CPPU; KT-30; 4-CPPU)
Forchlorfenuron (CPPU; KT-30; 4-CPPU)

Forchlorfenuron CPPU KT-30

Chemical name: Forchlorfenuron ;CPPU;KT-30; 4-CPPU,N-(2-Chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea
CAS NO: 68157-60-8
Appearance: White crystal powder
Molecular formula: C12H10ClN3O
Molecular weight: 247.68
M.P.:165-170 Degree C
Moisture: 0.5%max
Residues after Ignition: ≤0.10%
Loss on Drying: ≤0.10%
Formulation:CPPU %99 TC;CPPU 1%SP;CPPU 2%SP..
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Forchlorfenuron, also known as KT-30, CPPU, etc., is a plant growth regulator with furfurylaminopurine effect. Forchlorfenuron is one of the main components in coconut juice. The original drug is a white solid powder, insoluble in water, and easily soluble in organic solvents such as acetone and ethanol,it'spromotes growth by regulating the levels of various endogenous hormones in crops. Its effect on endogenous hormones is much greater than that of general cytokinins.
It is also a synthetic furfurylaminopurine with the highest activity in promoting cell division. it can promote crop growth, increase fruit setting rate, promote fruit expansion and preservation, etc. It can be apply to various crops such as cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, eggplants, grapes, apples, pears, citrus, loquats, kiwis, etc., especially suitable for melons. crops, underground rhizomes, fruits and other crops.
1.Promote cell division, differentiation and expansion, promote organ formation and protein synthesis;
2.Promote chlorophyll synthesis, improve light and efficiency, and prevent plant aging;
3.break apical dominance and promote lateral bud growth. The green-keeping effect is better than that of purine cytokinins, lasts longer, improves photosynthesis;
4.Induces the growth of dormant buds;
5.Enhances stress resistance and delays aging effects, especially for melon and fruit plants. After treatment, it promotes flower bud differentiation, which is extremely significant for preventing physiological fruit drop, improving fruit setting, making the fruit enlargement visually obvious, and inducing single-row fruiting.

How to use
Use alone:Foliar spraying 0.2 ~ 1mg / L;Spray or fruit dip treatment 5 ~ 20mg / L.
Mixed use:Mixed with auxin or gibberellin, the effect is better than single use; Mixed with fertilizers: KT-30 + potassium nitrate, KT-30 + boric acid; Mixed with auxins: KT-30+ NAA, KT-30 + IAA / IBA Mixed with gibberellins: KT-30 + GA3 / GA4 + 7 Mixed with Brassinolides: KT-30 + 24Epibrassinolide/28High Brassinolide;
Forchlorfenuron can be made into an oil agent alone because it is a new type of high-efficiency plant growth regulator. It can be made into an oil agent alone. It can be made into 0.1% or 0.5% emulsion, which can be dipped, applied or sprayed on the leaves to make the fruit expand rapidly, and the expansion rate is generally about 60%
Forchlorfenuron can be combined with DA-6 (Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate) to promote seedling growth and fruit enlargement, promote fruit setting, increase production, promote fruit setting, increase production, and dormant bud germination, promote strong seedlings, promote growth and increase income.

-Forchlorfenuron (CPPU/KT-30) is used to increase fruit setting rate.
For watermelons, muskmelons, cucumbers and other melons, you can spray the melon embryos on the day or one day before and after the female flowers open, or apply a circle of 0.1% soluble liquid 20-35 times on the fruit stem to prevent difficult fruit setting caused by insect pollination. It reduces the melon phenomenon and improves the fruit setting rate.
-Forchlorfenuron (CPPU/KT-30) is used to promote fruit enlargement.
For apples, citrus, peaches, pears, plums, lychees, longans, etc., 5-20 mg/kg Forchlorfenuron (CPPU/KT-30) solution can be use.  Dip the fruit stems and spray the young fruits 10 days after blooming to increase the fruit setting rate;  After the second physiological fruit drop, spray 0.1% Forchlorfenuron (CPPU / KT-30) 1500 times to 2000 times, and apply it together with a foliar fertilizer high in phosphorus and potassium or high in calcium and boron.  Spray the second time every 20 to 30 days.  , the effect of continuous spraying twice is remarkable.
-Forchlorfenuron (CPPU/KT-30) is used for freshness preservation.
After picking strawberries, you can spray or soak them with 0.1% soluble liquid 100 times, dry and preserve them, which can extend the storage period.
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Function Crop Concentration (mg/L) How to use
Promote fruit setting and fruit expansion Kiwi 5-20 Soaking or even spraying the fruit once
Kyoho, Jingya, Xiahei, Seedless White and other grapes 5-20 Dipping ears 1 time
Watermelon 7.5-10 Spray melon fetus on the day of female flowering or 1d before flowering
Melon 10-20 On the day of female flowering or 2~3 days before flowering, apply melon stem or spray melon embryo
Strawberry 20 6~11d after flowering, soak the fruit once
Shatian pomelo 5-10 5d after blooming, spray young fruit
Cherry 5 5d after blooming, spray young fruit
Increase yield Peanut 1-5 From needle stage to pod setting stage, spray on leaves
Wheat, barley 1-5 Spraying at booting stage
Fresh-keeping leafy vegetables 1-2 Spraying during picking period
Lychee 5-10 Green or reddish lychee small fruit at young fruit stage
Mango 25 Green or reddish lychee small fruit at young fruit stage

Main Packing: 1kg aluminum foil bag, 25kg drum, 25kg plastic woven bag or kraft paper bag, 5kg carton, 20L white plastic drum, 200L blue plastic drum
Aluminum foil bag
Plastic woven bag
Plastic bucket
Blue plastic drum
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