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6-Benzylaminopurine 6BA Cytokinins 6-BAP
6-Benzylaminopurine 6BA Cytokinins 6-BAP
6-Benzylaminopurine 6BA Cytokinins 6-BAP
6-Benzylaminopurine 6BA Cytokinins 6-BAP

Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate DA-6

CAS No.:10369-83-2
Chemical Name: diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate, da-6, da6 98TC,Hexanoic acid , 2-(diethylamino) ethyl ester citrate
Appearance: White crystal powder, have slight amine smell
Molecular Formula: C12H25NO2
Molecular Weight: 215.33 
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Product Detail
The pure product of the original drug is white flaky crystals, which are white powder after crushing. There is no visible mechanical impurities, and it has a light fat aroma and greasy feeling. It is easily soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, methanol, acetone, chloroform, etc.

It is very stable when stored at room temperature, stable under neutral and acidic conditions, and easy to decompose under alkaline conditions.It can be compounded with a variety of elements and can also be used in combination with fungicides to enhance the disease resistance of plants and improve the bactericidal effect. DA-6 is widely used in agriculture for its unique multifunctional effects.
DA-6  has very low toxicity to humans and animals and is a practically non-toxic plant regulator. DA-6 can increase the content of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acid and photosynthetic rate in plants, increase the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, promote carbon and nitrogen metabolism in plants,

besides,enhance the absorption of water and fertilizer and the accumulation of dry matter in plants, regulate the water balance in the body, enhance the disease resistance, drought resistance and cold resistance of crops and fruit trees; delay plant aging, promote early maturity of crops, increase production and improve the quality of crops; thereby achieving increased production and quality.
1. Increase yield
Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) can increase the content of nucleic acid, chlorophyll and protein in plants, enhance crop photosynthesis, and increase the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, promote carbon and nitrogen metabolism in plants, and thus increase crop yield.
2. Accelerate growth
Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) can promote cell division and elongation, promote rapid root growth and development, thereby enhancing the plant's ability to absorb water and fertilizer, and accelerate the accumulation of crop dry matter.
3. Enhance stress resistance and promote early maturity
Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) can regulate the body's water balance, enhance the disease resistance and stress resistance of crops, delay plant aging, and promote early maturity of crops (maturity time can be advanced by about 5-20 days).
4. Increase flowers and preserve fruits
Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) can preserve flowers and fruits, increase crop fruiting rate, and promote fuller grains or fruits of crops.
5. Improve quality
Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) can improve the quality of agricultural products and increase the content of nutrients such as protein, amino acids, vitamins, sugars, and carotene in agricultural products.

How to use
1. Direct use, DA-6 raw powder can be directly made into various liquids and powders, and the concentration can be adjusted as needed. It is easy to operate and does not require special additives, operating processes and special equipment.
2. Mixed with fertilizers, DA-6 can be directly mixed with N, P, K, Zn, B, Cu, Mn, Fe, Mo, etc. It is very stable and can be stored for a long time.
3. Compounded with fungicides, DA-6 and fungicides have obvious synergistic effects, which can increase the efficiency by more than 30% and reduce the dosage by 10-30%. And experiments have shown that DA-6 has inhibitory and preventive effects on various plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.
4. Compounded with insecticides, it can increase plant growth and enhance plant resistance to insects. And DA-6 itself has a repellent effect on soft insects, which can kill insects and increase production.
5. Compounded with herbicides, it can be used as an antidote for herbicides. Experiments have shown that DA-6 has a detoxifying effect on most herbicides. The combination of DA-6 and herbicides can effectively prevent crop poisoning without reducing the effectiveness of herbicides, allowing herbicides to be used safely.

① Broad spectrum and high efficiency, small dosage, and suitable for various cash crops and food crops.
② Safe and stable, Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) is a fatty ester compound, equivalent to oils and fats, which is not toxic to humans and animals and will not remain in nature. The original powder is non-flammable and non-explosive, and can be stored and transported according to general chemical substances. There are no safety hazards in storage, transportation and use.
③ With sustained release effect, Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) will be quickly absorbed and stored by plants, one part will work quickly, and the other part will work slowly, which can be effective in the body for more than 20 days.
④ Adapt to low temperature, other plant growth regulators lose their regulatory effect on plant growth when it is below 20 degrees, while Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) has a regulatory effect as long as the plant has growth phenomenon.
⑤ Synergistic detoxification. Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) can be compounded with fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides to enhance fertilizer and drug efficacy and reduce dosage. It has a detoxifying effect on most herbicides. When compounded with herbicides, it can effectively prevent crop poisoning without reducing the effect of herbicides, allowing herbicides to be used safely.
Get Free Samples
Control object Crops Dosage (preparation amount/mu) Application method
Preserve flowers and promote fruit and growth Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, bell peppers 10-20mg/kg Spray once at seedling stage, first flowering stage and after fruit setting
Watermelon, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, strawberry 8-15mg/kg The first flowering stage, after fruit set, fruit expansion stage spray once
Citrus, orange 5-15mg/kg The first flowering period and the middle fruit setting period each spray once

8-15mg/kg Bud stage, after broken bud spray once
Promote vegetative growth Cabbage, spinach, celery, lettuce, water spinach, cauliflower 20-60mg/kg During the growing period, spray once each at an interval of 7-10 days, a total of 2-3 times
Leek, garlic, onion, green onion 10-15mg/kg Spray once every 10 days, a total of three times
Promote root and tuber growth Potato, sweet potato, taro 8-15mg/kg Spray once at seedling stage, root tuber formation and expansion stage respectively
Radish, carrot, mustard, burdock 8-15mg/kg Soak seeds for 6 hours
Increase seed production yield Green beans, peas, lentils, string beans 5-15mg/kg Spray once each at seedling stage, flowering stage and fruiting stage

8-15mg/kg Soak seed for 4h, flowering stage, pod stage, spray once

10-15mg/kg Seeding 24h, tillering stage, booting stage, grouting stage spraying once

8-15mg/kg Soak seed for 6-16h, spray once at seedling stage, jointing stage and heading stage
Improve the quality of cash crops
8-15mg/kg Soak the seed for 8h, spray once at seedling stage, beginning flowering stage and fruiting stage

5-15mg/kg Soak seeds for 24h, spray once at seedling stage, bud stage and flower stage

Tobacco leaf
8-15mg/kg After fixing the plant, group tree stage, prosperous long-term spray once

8-15mg/kg Spray once each at seedling stage, jointing stage and rapid growth stage
Mushroom, mushroom, fungus, straw mushroom, enoki mushroom 8-15mg/kg Spray once at the beginning of fruiting body formation, early mushroom stage and growth stage
Prolong plant life
8-25mg/kg Spray every 7-10 days

Ornamental plant
15-60mg/kg Spray once every 7-10 days at seedling stage and once every 15-20 days at growing stage
Improve the ability to fix nitrogen
8-15mg/kg Soak seed 8h, seedling stage, beginning flowering stage, pod stage spray once
Compound with other agents Mix with fertilizer It can be used directly with N,P,K,Zn,B,Cu,Mn,Fe,Mo and other fertilizers  
Compound with fungicide Increase efficiency by more than 30% Reduce dosage by 10-30%
Compound with insecticide Both kill insects and increase production  
Compound with herbicide It is effective to prevent crop poisoning without reducing the effectiveness of herbicides  

Main Packing: 1kg aluminum foil bag, 25kg drum, 25kg plastic woven bag or kraft paper bag, 5kg carton, 20L white plastic drum, 200L blue plastic drum
Aluminum foil bag
Plastic woven bag
Plastic bucket
Blue plastic drum
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