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Plant Growth Regulator ATONIK Compound Sodium Nitrophenolate ATONIC foliar fertilizer
Plant Growth Regulator ATONIK Compound Sodium Nitrophenolate ATONIC foliar fertilizer
Plant Growth Regulator ATONIK Compound Sodium Nitrophenolate ATONIC foliar fertilizer
Plant Growth Regulator ATONIK Compound Sodium Nitrophenolate ATONIC foliar fertilizer

Compound Sodium Nitrophenolates Atonik

CAS NO.:67233-85-6
Chemical Name:Sodium nitrophenolate,Atonik
Purity: 98%
Dosage form: original powder
Category: plant growth regulator
Chemical composition:Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate,Sodium ortho-nitrophenolate,Sodium para-nitrophenolate
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Product Detail
Compound Sodium nitrophenolate (Atonik) is a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator made by mixing Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate, Sodium ortho-nitrophenolate and Sodium para-nitrophenolate in a certain proportion.

Physical and chemical properties: Mixed crystals of reddish-red flake crystals, dark red needle-shaped crystals and yellow crystals, easily soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, methanol, acetone, etc. Stable at room temperature, with phenolic aroma.
Compound sodium nitrophenolate (Atonik) can be absorbed through the roots, leaves and seeds of plants, and quickly penetrates into the body of plants to promote rooting, growth, and preserve flowers and fruits.

It can significantly increase crop yields, improve quality, and achieve increased production and income for food crops such as rice, wheat, beans, and corn, oil crops such as rapeseed and sesame, cotton, leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, melons and fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, watermelons, and melons, and fruits such as citrus, apples, lychees, bananas, longans, mangoes, and pineapples.
1. Sodium nitrophenolate and multi-fertilizer compound application can improve fertilizer efficiency by more than 30%
2. It can break seed dormancy, induce seed rooting and germination, and improve seed germination rate
3. In addition to being used in combination with fertilizers, it can also be used in combination with insecticides or fungicides to improve the bactericidal effect of fungicides and insecticides, and can significantly enhance the immunity of plants.
4. It can improve the plant's resistance to cold, drought, waterlogging, salinity, lodging and other stresses. Applying sodium nitrophenolate to crops will greatly improve the crop's ability to adapt to the environment, which is very conducive to high crop yields.
5. It can promote crop growth, promote crop root development, delay plant premature aging, and significantly increase yield
6. It promotes pollen germination and pollen tube elongation, which is very helpful to increase the fruit setting rate.
7. It can effectively prevent the occurrence of cracked, deformed, weak, and dead fruits, increase the sugar content of fruits and vegetables, increase the protein content of grain crops, increase the fat content of oil crops, and increase the color of flowers. The commerciality of agricultural products will be greatly improved
8. It can promote the flow of cell protoplasm and increase cell activity. Therefore, when crops suffer from frost damage, insect pests, diseases, fertilizer damage, and drug damage (drug damage caused by unreasonable use of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides), the application of sodium nitrophenolate can quickly restore the growth of damaged plants.

How to use
Use alone Seed soaking: 6-12mg/L for 6-24h; Foliar spraying: 6-20mg/L; Drip irrigation: 4.5-9g/1000M2 12-15g/1000M2 Flush application; 10-20g/1000M2 as base fertilizer.
Use with fertilizers: Foliar fertilizer :concentration 10-15mg/L, Flush Fertilizer, compound fertilizer:15-30g/1000M2

-Broad spectrum: Sodium nitrophenolate is suitable for all crops, all fertilizers (foliar fertilizer, compound fertilizer, basal fertilizer, base fertilizer, etc.), and any time.
-Convenience: All fertilizers can be added at once, without complicated production processes. Whether it is foliar fertilizer, basal fertilizer, solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, fungicide, etc., as long as they are added evenly, the effect is equally magical.
-Low dosage: calculated by acre
   (1) 0.2-0.8 grams for foliar spraying;
   (2) 10-25 grams for basal fertilizer;
   (3) 10-25 grams for compound fertilizer (basal fertilizer, topdressing fertilizer).
-High content: The content of various effective ingredients can reach 98%, without any harmful impurities, and it is safe to use.
-Broad effect: After using sodium nitrophenolate, there is no need to add similar enhancers.
-Rapid effect: When the temperature is above 30 degrees, it can take effect in 24 hours, and when it is above 25 degrees, it can take effect in 48 hours.
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The Usage and Dosage of Sodium Nitrohenolate Used on Different Crops
  Crops Dosage
Usage Method  Effects

Food crop
Wheat, Rice 9-18 Seed soaking 12-24h; spray once respectively in tillering stage,booting stage,filling stage Improve germination rate and lodging-resistant capability; increase seed setting rate, promote prematurity increase yield.

Cash crop
Cotton 4-9 Spray once respectively in seedling stage,bud stage Increase stress resistance, increase boll weight.
Tobacco 3-6 Spray once in transplanting stage, rosette stage and fast growing period respectively Make plant strong, improve rooting, increase leaf and better quality, then increase yield; increase stress resistance.
Tea tree 4-8 Early seeding stage Spray twice Improve germinating and quality, increase yield.
Peanut 6-12 Spray once in initial time of flowering, pegging stage and pot-setting stage respectively Increase flowering number and fruit bearing rate, obviously yield increase.
Soybean, mung bean 6-12 Spray once in seedling stage, initial time of flowering and pot-setting stage respectively. Increase flowering number and nodule bacterianitrogenfixation
ability. Increase yield and dry matter.
Fruit tree Grapes, plums, persimmon, plum, longan, papaya, guava, lemon   After germination, 20 days before flowering to the eve of flowering and after fruiting, spray once or twice with 5000-6000 times liquid. Protectingflowerandfruit, increase stress resistance; increase yield and quality, More fruit , increase yield
Grapes, plums, persimmon, plum, longan, papaya, guava, lemon The concentration is 1500 to 2000 times   Protectingflowerandfruit, increase stress resistance; increase yield and quality, More fruit , increase yield
6000times physic liquor
Most vegetable seeds can be soaked for 8-24h Increase stress resistance, Improve fruit bearing rate and yield obviously
  Greenhouse vegetable growth stage 6000 times liquid medicine or mixed with liquid fertilizer, irrigate   In order to prevent aging, the effect of promoting the formation of new roots is remarkable
Alone use for seed treatment 6 ~ 12mg/L soaking seeds for 6 ~ 24h;
Foliar spraying: 6 ~ 20mg/L; Drip irrigation: 4.5~ 9g/1000M2
12 ~ 15g/1000M2 for rushing; 10 ~ 20g/1000M2 for base fertilizer.
Combined use with fertilizers combined with foliar fertilizer (use concentration 10 ~ 15mg/L), flush fertilization, compound fertilizer (15 ~ 30g/1000M2), it has obvious synergistic effect, and the synergy effect is more than 30%, reducing fertilizer use
Mixed use with fungicide Obvious synergistic effect when mixed with fungicide, reducing the amount of fungicide by 10 ~ 30%
Mixed use with insecticide Increasing crop growth and enhance crop resistance.
Mixed use with herbicide 20mg / L compounding herbicides can increase the efficiency by more than 30%.

Main Packing: 1kg aluminum foil bag, 25kg drum, 25kg plastic woven bag or kraft paper bag, 5kg carton, 20L white plastic drum, 200L blue plastic drum
Aluminum foil bag
Plastic woven bag
Plastic bucket
Blue plastic drum
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