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What crops is Trinexapac-ethyl used for?

Date: 2024-07-11 15:54:44
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Trinexapac-ethyl is mainly used for crops such as wheat, rapeseed, sunflower, castor, and rice.
Trinexapac-ethyl is a gibberellins biosynthesis inhibitor. Its main function is to control the vigorous growth of crops by reducing the content of gibberellins in plants, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling vigorous growth and resisting lodging.

In my country, the crops registered with trinexapac-ethyl are mainly wheat, rapeseed, sunflower, castor, and rice. Especially on wheat, Trinexapac-ethyl can reduce plant height, increase stem strength and toughness, promote root development, and achieve the purpose of preventing wheat from lodging. At the same time, trinexapac-ethyl can also improve water utilization, prevent drought, and increase yields. In addition, trinexapac-ethyl can also be used on lawns such as ryegrass and tall fescue to control plant growth, resist lodging, enhance photosynthesis, improve stress resistance, improve quality, and increase yields.
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