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Use Methods and effects of DA-6 on different crops

Date: 2023-03-06 23:14:51
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DA-6 is white or crystalline, with a content of more than 98%. It has a slight greasy smell and greasy feeling, and is easily soluble in water, alcohol and other organic solvents.

DA-6 is a high-efficiency plant growth regulator that has significant effects on increasing production, improve stress resistance and disease resistance、 Crops quality, and promote ripe early.

DA-6 is a compound with high biological activity. DA-6 can be combined with a variety of elements and can also be use in combination with fungicides to enhance the disease resistance of plants and improve the bactericidal effect.

Use Methods and effects of DA-6 on different crops

Crop name mg/kg
Usage method effects
Rice 12-15 Soak seeds for 24 hours. Spray once at tillering stage, booting stage and filling stage. Use DA-6 can improve germination rate, strengthen seedling, strengthen cold resistance, increase tillering, increase effective ear, increase seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight, good root vitality, Ripe early and high production.
Wheat 12-15
soak seeds for 8 hours, spay once in three leaf stage, booting stage and filling stage.
Use DA-6 can improve germination rate, strengthen seedling, strengthen cold resistance, increase tillering, increase effective ear, increase seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight, good root vitality, Ripe early and high production.
Soya bean 15 Soak seeds for 8 hours, spray once at seedling, beginning flowering and poding stage. Use DA-6 increase germination rate, increasing flowering number, increasing nitrogen fixation ability of rhizobia, full pod, dry matter increase, ripe early and high production.
Cotton 12 Soak seeds for 24 hours, spray once at seedling stage, bud stage and flower age stage. Use DA-6 to promote strong seedlings, more flowers and peaches fruits, white cotton wool, high quality, increase prodction and improve resistance.
Citrus, orange 10 Spray once at the beginning of flowering, in the middle of physiological falling fruit, and when the fruit is 3-5 cm. Use DA-6 accelerates the expansion speed of young fruits, improves fruit setting rate, smooth fruit surface, thin skin, taste sweet, ripe early and high production, and enhance cold and disease resistance.

Banana 10 Spray once at bud stage and after bud break. Use DA-6 can make results in more fruits, balance fruits, increase production, ripe early and good quality.
Radish, carrot, pickled mustard, beef pedicle and other root vegetables 10 When soaking 6 seeds, spray once at seedling stage, succulent root formation stage and expansion stage. Use DA-6 make seedlings grow quickly and stronger, promote roots straight、 thick 、heavy and smooth. improve quality, and ripe early , increase production by 30%.
sorghum 12 Soak seeds for 6-16 hours, spray once at seedling stage, jointing stage and heading stage. Use DA-6 can improve germination rate, strengthen seedling, strengthen cold resistance, increase tillering, increase effective ear, increase seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight, good root vitality, Ripe early and high production.
beet 15 Soak the seeds for 8 hours, spray once in seedling stage, straightedge formation stage, and expansion stage. Use DA-6 promote Seedlings grow quickly and stronger, make roots thick and heavy, increase sugar content、ripe early、increase production.
Eggplant, pepper, bell pepper and other jackets 8 Spray once at seedling stage, spray once first flowering stage and after fruit setting. Use DA-6 can promote seedlings stronger, improve disease resistance and stress resistance、 increase flowers and fruits、 increase fruit setting rate,、balance and smooth fruits、improve quality、ripe early , extend the harvest period, and increase production by 30-100%.
Watermelon, winter melon, cantaloupe, strawberry and so on. 8 Spray once at the beginning of flowering、after setting fruit, and at the expanding stage of fruit. Use DA-6 make tastes better, increases sugar content, increases single melon weight, make harvests in advance, increases production, and improve stress resistance.
Green beans, beans, peas, broad beans, beans and other beans 8 Spray once at seedling stage, flowering stage and pod stage. Use DA-6 to promote seedlings strong, Da-6 can make good stress resistance, increase pod setting rate, ripe early, extend the growth period and harvest period, and increase production by 25-40%.
Leek, green onion, onion, garlic and other onion garlic 12 The vegetative growth period is sprayed once more than 10 days apart,  total spray 2-3 times. Use DA-6 to promote vegetative growth, enhance resistance, precocious ripe, and increase production by 25-40%.
Mushroom, shiitake mushroom, fungus, straw mushroom, enoki mushroom and other edible fungi 8 Spray once in the early stage of fruiting body formation, once in the young mushroom stage and once in the growth stage. Use DA-6 to increase mycelial growth vitality, increase the number of fruiting bodies, accelerate the growth rate of single mushrooms, grow neatly and thicken meat, thicken stipes, increase fresh weight and dry weight significantly, improve quality, harvest early, and increase prodction by more than 35% .
Tea leaf 8 Spray once when the tea buds sprout and once after picking. Use DA-6 to increase tea bud density, 100 bud weight, more new shoots, luxuriant branches and leaves, increase amino acid content, and increase production

Sugar Cane 10 Spray once at seedling stage,  jointing stage early and rapid growth stage. Use DA-6 to increase effective tillering, plant height and stem thickness,increase single stem weight, increase sugar content, growth and improve lodging resistance.
Corn 15 Soak seeds for 6-16 hours, spray once at seedling stage, young ear differentiation stage and heading stage. Use DA-6 to improve germination rate, make plants stronger, make green leaves dark , increase full grains, shorten bald tips, increase number of grains and 1,000-grain weight, increase resistance to lodging、prevention of red leaf disease, repe early and improve production.
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro 10 expansion stage. Use DA-6 to promote seedlings erstrong, improve stress resistance, produce large, heavy, early-ripe tubers, and produce high yields.
Flowers and plants 12 Spray every 7-10 days during the growing stage. Use DA-6 to increase plant height, daily growth, increase the number of internodes and leaves, increase leaf surface and thickness, bloom earlier, extend the flowering period, increase the number of flowers, have bright flowers and green leaves, and enhance drought and cold resistance.
Ornamental plant 8 Spray once every 7-10 days at seedling stage and once every 15-20 days at growth stage.。 Use DA-6 make seedlings stronger, can raise out of the nursery, the plant height and crown width are increase, the leaves are dark green, the flowers are blooming, the growth is accelerate, improve drought resistance, cold resistance and anti-aging.
oil seed rape 10 Soak seeds for 8 hours, spray once at seedling, beginning flowering and poding stage. Using DA-6 improves germination rate, vigorous growth, more flowers and pods, ripe early and high production, reduced erucic acid content of rapeseed, and increase oil rate.
Litchi, longan 15 Spray once at the beginning of flowering、after setting fruit and at the expanding stage of fruit. Using DA-6 increases fruit setting rate, improve grain weight、 thicker and sweeter flesh, make core smaller, ripe early and increase produciton.
Cucumber, winter melon, pumpkin, loofah, bitter melon, melon, zucchini and other melons. 8 Spray once at seedling stage, first flowering stage and after fruit setting. Use DA-6 make seedlings stronger, increase disease resistance and cold resistance, increase flowering number, increase fruiting rate, make melon-shape thick and dry matter long green straight , improve quality, ripe early, seedling pulling late, and a 20-40% increase in production.
Spinach, celery, lettuce, mustard, cabbage, water spinach, kale, cauliflower, raw cauliflower, cilantro and other leaf vegetables 10 After colonization, spray once at the long-term interval of 7-10 days ,  total need 2-3 times.。 Use DA-6 to strengthen plants, increase stress resistance, promote vegetative growth, grow quickly, increase leaves, become wider, larger, thicker, greener, have thicker and tender stems, have larger and heavier beads, harvest earlier, and increase production 25-50 %.


Peach, plum, plum, tea, date, cherry, loquat, grape, apricot, hawthorn, olive
15 Spray once at the beginning of flowering, after setting fruit and at the expanding stage of fruit. Use DA-6 can improve fruit setting rate,  fruit growth fast, balance size, increase fruit weight, increase sugar content, decrease acidity, improve stress resistance, ripe early and increase production.
peanut 12 Soak seeds for 4 hours, spray once at the beginning of flowering, the next needling period, and the pod period. Use DA-6 to increase the fruit setting rate, increase the number of flowers, improve the plumpness of the pod-bearing stage, high oil rate, increase prodction and ripe early.
Tobacco leaf 8 Spray once after colonization, during the group planting period and during the flourishing period. Use DA-6 to promote strong seedlings, increase leaf thickness, improve stress resistance, increase yproduction, harvest early, and produce good-cured tobacco with good color and high grade.
Apple, plum 8-15 Spray once at the beginning of flowering, after setting fruit and at the expanding stage of fruit. Use DA-6 to protect flowers and fruits, increase fruit setting rate, balance fruit size, make good color and  taste sweet, ripe early and increase production.
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