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How to use paclobutrazol in rapeseed farming?

Date: 2024-07-01 16:15:21
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Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator that has multiple functions such as delaying plant growth, promoting tillering and increasing plant stress resistance. In rapeseed cultivation, the rational use of paclobutrazol can not only effectively improve the resistance of rapeseed to lodging, but also significantly improve the yield and quality of rapeseed.

I. The main effects of paclobutrazol

1. Delaying plant growth: paclobutrazol can inhibit the synthesis of gibberellins in plants, thereby delaying the growth rate of plants and making plants shorter and stronger.
2. Advancing tillering: paclobutrazol can increase the number of tillers of rapeseed, make the plant shape of rapeseed more reasonable, and improve the utilization rate of light energy.
3. Increase plant stress resistance: paclobutrazol can improve rapeseed's cold resistance, drought resistance, disease resistance and other abilities, and enhance rapeseed's adaptability to adverse environments.

II. How to use paclobutrazol on rapeseed

1. Timing of use: The timing of using paclobutrazol is generally from the seedling stage to the bolting stage of rapeseed. At this stage, rapeseed is more sensitive to paclobutrazol and the effect of its use is better.
2. Usage: Mix paclobutrazol with water according to the recommended dosage to make a liquid medicine. Then, spray the liquid medicine evenly on the leaves of rapeseed to ensure that the leaves of rapeseed are fully exposed to the liquid medicine.
3. Dosage: The dosage of paclobutrazol should be adjusted according to factors such as the growth conditions of rapeseed, soil conditions, and climatic conditions. Generally speaking, the dosage of paclobutrazol used per acre of rapeseed field is 10-20 grams.
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